Hire inclusively/diversely

Hiring with inclusivity and diversity in mind brings an overall feeling of wellbeing to employees, and often leads to companies outperforming those who do not. There are many programs in place to help you keep diversity and inclusivity at the top of your hiring priority list.

Association for New Canadians (ANC)

For over 20 years the ANC has helped businesses, government agencies, schools and community organizations across Newfoundland and Labrador understand the importance of diversity. The ANC can help your business understand how it can engage in the hiring process according to best practices.

Women in Resource Development Corporation (WRDC)

WRDC is committed to working with industry stakeholders to create effective diverse workplaces, addressing labour shortages and diversity challenges. WRDC works closely with operators, contractors, and other employers to review and assess their organizational diversity policies and practices, and provide individualized recommendations and customized tools and supports to enhance their efforts.

Multicultural Women’s Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador (MWONL)

MWONL delivers specialized services that facilitate the integration and full participation of women and their families in the community. The organization provides several programs and services including Trans-Cultural Competency Awareness Training – designed for services providers working in an increasingly culturally diverse environment in Newfoundland and Labrador.


To ensure LGBTQ+ feel supported and safe in their respective environments, DiversityNL looks at using inclusive strategies that provides this diverse group with a sense of well being, and acceptance into their workplace. DiversityNL works with organizations on implementing individualized models for inclusion.


InclusionNL is a corporate program of ​Empower – The Disability Resource Centre​ that provides supports, services, and information to businesses in Newfoundland and Labrador on accessibility, inclusion, disability confidence, and inclusive employment.


Despite the fact that Canadian women entrepreneurs are starting businesses at twice the rate of men, women-owned businesses are greatly under-represented in procurement contracts. NLOWE’s Supplier Diversity is a business program that encourages the use of diverse-owned vendors, including women-owned businesses, as suppliers to corporations and governments.