Create a modern work environment

The modern professional environment is fluid, casual, and a place where the work-life balance is championed. Gone are the days of strict dress codes, hours of work, and highly segmented physical spaces. Though it is not within every SME’s ability to provide a modern workspaces, all should be aware that young professionals are attracted to such spaces and employers should do whatever they can in response. 

Progressive Workspace

Many businesses are shifting from a cubicle and office style environment to a more open-concept space, fostering collaboration, creativity, and teamwork. The most open-concept offices still have meeting rooms where teams can hold regular meetings, or even smaller rooms where client calls can be conducted.

Flexible Work Environment

Flexible working arrangements are becoming increasingly important to retaining employees. This does of course depend on the type of work the employee is hired to do, but the vast majority of employees should typically have access to some level of flexibility. The notion of working 9-5 is antiquated and is not necessarily a productive model for everyone.

Welcoming Work Environment

A positive company culture helps employees feel like they belong to something bigger and more connected to the company and their work. To many employees, company culture and impact are what matters most, and many prospective employees are factoring company culture into their decision-making process for where they want to work. To help with this, taking and/or offering diversity and/or inclusivity training can help keep everyone in your company on the same page and provide opportunity for growth and learning for all employees.

Fun Workspaces

Modern offices can include fun elements, like games rooms, nap pods, brightly coloured walls, common areas and unique work tools. Work tools can be really attractive especially in the technology sector, sometimes allowing employees access to the newest tech gear on the market. Not every office needs a ping-pong table, but employers might consider how they can help their employers genuinely enjoy and appreciate their workspace.